are your

Hints & Tips.

  1. Approach situations with young adults with empathy and understanding
  2. Plans should focus more on helping young adults – including their goals, skills and talents
  3. Be mindful of the language used when speaking to young adults
  4. Every young adult is an individual, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ to engagement
  5. Trauma informed practice should be at the forefront of all interactions
  6. Listening should come first, young adults often just need a space to be heard
  7. Give the young adults small goals to work towards
  8. Share, learn from and highlight best practice within teams
  9. Each young adult has potential that needs unlocking and you have the key
  10. It doesn’t matter if the young adult is in the care or justice system, they are a human first and foremost, so should be treated in that way